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成人动漫网站 "手机拍婚典"有何欠妥?这张图告诉你 - 黄药师


成人动漫网站 "手机拍婚典"有何欠妥?这张图告诉你
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成人动漫网站 "手机拍婚典"有何欠妥?这张图告诉你
发布日期:2024-10-25 19:47    点击次数:164


Think about the last wedding you attended. How many guests had their smartphones out, immortalizing every second of the special day with their digital cameras? Did they keep getting in the way of the professional photographer hired for the event? Did it look something like this? 思一下你前次出席婚典的情景。若干客东谈主用智妙手机摄像头纪录了这迥殊日子的每个技能?婚典遴聘的专科照相师在拍照时,他们是不是常常乱入镜头?有这么的事情发生吗?

Thomas Stewart, a 33-year-old wedding photographer from Sydney, Australia, captured this picture at a recent ceremony. Last week, he posted it on his Facebook page, along with a plead for brides and grooms to have "completely unplugged" ceremonies. 33岁的澳大利亚悉尼婚典照相师托马斯·斯图尔特在最近的一次婚典上捕捉到了这刹那间。上周,斯图尔特把这张像片放在了我方的Facebook主页上,并命令全球让新郎新娘可以有一场“告别乱入”的婚典庆典。

"This groom had to lean out past the aisle just to see his bride approaching," wrote Stewart. "Why? Because guests with their phones were in the aisle and in his way. 斯图尔特写谈:“新郎不得不探成就子智商看到安祥向他走来的新娘。为什么?因为拿入辖下手机的客东谈主站满了过谈,挡住了他的视野。”

This kind of thing is a serious hindrance to his job, he said. Guests often get in the way with their cameras and end up ruining many of his shots. More importantly, Stewart added, technology distracts attendees from the true purpose of the event: celebrating the love that two people feel for each other. 他说,这类情况很妨碍他的责任。拿着相机的客东谈主常常闯进他的镜头,是以许多像片拍不好。他默示,更勤勉的是,客东谈主来参加婚典正本是为了道贺两个相爱的东谈主,但科技使他们偏离了这个初志。

That said, there are polite ways for guests to keep their phones on them and subtly take pics at weddings. 其实也有规则的解决神色,使客东谈主参加婚典时可以随身带入辖下手机,当令地拍些像片。

Ariane Fisher, a blogger for The Huffington Post and the co-founder of a site that creates wedding videos by stitching together footage and photos shot by guests, has a list of tips attendees can follow to snap away without disturbing a ceremony or reception. One piece of advice she shares: Be mindful of the professional photographer. 《赫芬顿邮报》博客主兼某网站(一家通过裁剪客东谈主拍的像片制作婚典视频的网站)创举东谈主艾里安·费希尔给出了一些提出,能让客东谈主既可以拍像片,又不会妨碍庆典的举行。她分享的提出之一等于:技能属意专科照相师。

"[S]ome photographers sit in the back of the church and use a long lens to capture the ceremony. Make sure you're not blocking their shot!" she writes. 费希尔写谈:“有些照相师会坐在教堂靠后的位置,通过长镜头纪录通盘这个词宴集现场。你需要确保你莫得闯进他们的镜头!”

As of Wednesday, Stewart's photo had gained more than 105,000 likes and had been shared by over 70,000 people on Facebook. He told The Huffington Post he was "pretty amazed" by the attention it's received. 为止周三,斯图尔特的这张像片集到了提升10.5万个赞,Facebook转发量提升7万次。他告诉《赫芬顿邮报》,看到这么的温雅度,他相等吃惊。

附: 10 Do's and Don'ts of Wedding Smartphone Etiquette 婚典手机礼节之十条小提出

1. Hold the phone sideways 横着拿手机

Have you ever seen a Hollywood film with black bars on the side? Thats what your footage is going to look like if you hold your phone vertically. Make sure to hold the phone sideways, so the video clips will look good in wedding video later. 你看过傍边有黑条的好莱坞电影吗?若是你竖着拿手机,你的镜头就会形成那样。切记要横着拿手机,这么你的像片在自后的婚典视频裁剪中后果才会好。

Hold the phone like this: 这么拿手机:


2. Don't photobomb the vows 新东谈主互表誓词时,不要抢镜

The couple most likely hired a professional photographer; they really don't need you getting all up in their business while they're saying the vows. 新婚浑家很可能会雇别称专科照相师;他们宣誓时,详情不需要你去制造气忿。

Let the couple have their moment and stay back with the crowd in your seats. 你唯一跟全球沿途坐在客东谈主席就好,给新婚浑家一些专属空间。

3. No iPads 不要用iPad

Really? There's no way to not be obnoxious when filming with a big honking iPad. Just get a camera or smartphone at that point. 你以为呢?举起贫窭的iPad,“咔嚓”一声——所有会令东谈主反感的。这么的场面,相机或智妙手机就够了。

4. Don't block the people behind you during the ceremony 庆典上,不要挡住你后边的东谈主

Grandma won't like being stuck behind the "paparazzi" during the ceremony. So if you want to take video during the ceremony, sit on an aisle and be aware of the people behind you. 七姑八姨可不心爱通盘这个词庆典皆被挡在“狗仔队”后头。是以若是你思拍视频,可以坐在过谈边并防御后头的东谈主。

Also, some photographers sit in the back of the church and use a long lens to capture the ceremony. Make sure you're not blocking their shot! 同期,有些照相师会坐在教堂后排,用长镜头拍摄。防护不要挡住他们的镜头!

5. Be your own tripod 自当东谈主体“三脚架”

If you're taking video clips longer than a few seconds, your hands will naturally start to drift downwards. Best bet is to be a tripod: grip the phone with both hands and gently brace your elbows against the top of ribs. This is super important to remember whilst filming the first dance! 若是你永劫候拍摄,你的手当然会下垂。最佳的看法是我方当我方的“三脚架”:双手捏手机,用肘轻轻地撑在最上边的肋骨上。拍摄第一支跳舞时,这少许相等勤勉。

6. Don't videobomb the first dance 第一支舞摄像时,别乱入

If the couple has a videographer, the first dance will be incredibly important to them. I understand that you want to film it too, so you can post to Facebook, Instagram, etc. but please don't videobomb this intimate moment for them. 若是新东谈主为婚典请了摄像师,那么第一支舞无疑对他们而言很勤勉。我也可以意会你也思拍照,好传到Facebook、Instagram等平台上。但不要乱入这些亲密技能的镜头。

7. Enjoy the reception -- don't stand against the wall commenting on photos 好好享受喜宴——不要站在墙边评像片

Your friends spent a small fortune on this reception. Don't spend the night standing against the wall, on your smartphone, commenting on the photos uploaded by your other friends at the party you are now attending. Live it and have fun! 你的一又友在宴请上花了不少钱。参加晚宴约会时,不要通盘这个词晚上皆站在墙边看手机、有计划其他一又友上传的像片。欢畅地插足到晚宴中吧。

8. Shut up 闭上嘴巴

If you're going to take video at someone's wedding... shut up while filming. They really don't need your commentary. 若是你筹备在某东谈主的婚典上拍视频……拍摄时不要谈话。他们详情不但愿视频里有你驳斥的声息。

9. Upload it, don't text it 上传视频,不要用短信发送

Texted photos and videos are great for sharing but not so great when you try to do anything with that footage . You can't edit a texted video clip, unless you're okay with looking like a Lego figure in your wedding video. If you want to share photos and videos with the bride, upload the full resolution files to a shared album, so they can include the clips in their wedding video later. 短信分享像片和视频很可以,但若是后期要用到这些素材时,就不好弄了。短信视频无法进一步编订,除非你不在乎我方在婚典视频中看起来像个乐高常人儿。若是你思要与新娘分享像片和视频,那么就上传好意思满的高清文献至分享相册,这么他们之后就可以把这些素材用在婚典视频中了。

10. Your boobs are not a home for your smartphone 不要把手机放胸口

As a wedding video editor, I've seen many a clip of bridesmaids grabbing their smartphones from in between their boobage. I don't care HOW much you need to update your Facebook status -- wedding day boobs are for fun, not to hold your phone. 手脚一个婚典视频编订,我看过许多这么的视频片断——伴娘从她们的胸口拿入手机。我不在乎你有多需要更新你的Facebook气象——婚典上,胸口游戏是为了好玩,可不是放电话的所在。

Bonus: 另外:

Don't out the couple on social media. Let the couple show off the photos and videos most important to them before you out them on Facebook. 不要把新东谈主的像片放在外交媒体上。在你把它们传到Facebook上之前,先让新东谈主晒出那些对他们来说最勤勉的像片和视频。

Don't ask the photographer to film something for you. That's not their job. 别让照相师有利为你拍什么东西。这不是他们的责任。

Vocabulary photobomb:抢镜 obnoxious:歧视的;可憎的 tripod:三脚架

英文开始:赫芬顿邮报 译者:Nimo0807 审校&编订:杜娟成人动漫网站

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